
Top 5 Classic Rock Duets
Top 5 Classic Rock Duets
Top 5 Classic Rock Duets
On this day back in 1981 Queen and David Bowie recorded 'Under Pressure'.  Undoubtedly one of the greatest duets ever.  What are your top five duets?
Top 5 By The Runaways
Top 5 By The Runaways
Top 5 By The Runaways
Today we honor Sandy West, drummer for 'The Runaways' she lost her battle with cancer on this day back in 2006.  As a girl who grew up playing the drums always loved what 'The Runaways' were about.  At just 15 Sandy met Joan Jett and formed 'The Runaways'...
Album Artwork
Album Artwork
Album Artwork
I wish album art wasn't dying.  Remember actually going down to the store and physically picking up your new music.  I miss those days. What is your favorite album cover?  Besides owning the album you might have even owned a poster for your room of the same album...
Frozen Turkey Drink
Frozen Turkey Drink
Frozen Turkey Drink
Our V.I.P. Club is sponsored by Mackenzie River Pizza and if you haven't taken a second to sign up there's some great stuff there. The holidays, we look forward to time off and time spent feeding our face with food and booze, that's how my family does it...
Top 5 Work Songs
Top 5 Work Songs
Top 5 Work Songs
Oh Monday, such a bastard.  Alright, I love my job but I don't think that any of us enjoy getting up on Monday morning, no matter how much you love your gig. Top 5 songs about that four letter word WORK.  What would yours have been...
Cell Phone Usage
Cell Phone Usage
Cell Phone Usage
I think it's funny to head out to a restaurant spend good money for service and food and then spend most of the meal on your phone.  Even though someone is sitting right across from you.  It's baffling to me the people that you see do this every day...

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