ScreenCrush Staff
Man Shoots Himself in the Butt During a ‘Bourne Legacy’ Screening
Gun control, and specifically guns at the movies, have been a hot issue since the tragic theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado yet people still find it necessary to bring their gun to a movie. That plan backfired – literally – on a Nevada man who shot himself in the butt during a screening of ‘The Bourne Legacy.’
Alec Baldwin on TMZ Founder: "I Wanted To Stick a Knife in Him and Kill Him"
Alec Baldwin just got married over the weekend but don’t think the domestic life has calmed down the actor at all. On Monday morning, he abruptly shut down his Twitter account as a new interview revealed his violent fantasies towards the founder of, Harvey Levin.
Watch Channing Tatum in Drag on Jimmy Fallon: EWW!
Channing Tatum was a guest on last night’s ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon‘ and the ‘Magic Mike‘ star appeared in drag, as a tween girl in Jimmy’s recurring skit, ‘Eww!’ So what does Channing Tatum look and sound like as a 12-year-old girl?