
Historic Heart-Shaped Brand Up for Auction in Montana
Historic Heart-Shaped Brand Up for Auction in Montana
Historic Heart-Shaped Brand Up for Auction in Montana
Check out this cattle brand that is coming up for auction later this month. It is a heart-shaped cattle brand that has been in one family all the way back since it was first registered in 1873. The brand was first registered to O.C. Whitney of Ennis, Montana on February 10, 1873.
Bull Riders Are Not Cowboys
Bull Riders Are Not Cowboys
Bull Riders Are Not Cowboys
Bull riders are bull riders, not cowboys. They are athletes trying to ride a bull for a certain amount of time in order to make money. If you think they are cowboys, how come a jockey is not called a cowboy? They work on a horse. Cowboys get up at 5 a...
The Most Exciting Thing I’ve Ever Seen at a Rodeo
The Most Exciting Thing I’ve Ever Seen at a Rodeo
The Most Exciting Thing I’ve Ever Seen at a Rodeo
I have been to quite a few rodeos in my day and have definitely seen some nail-biting action; most of which, of course, centers around bulls. For me, the most exciting thing I ever saw wasn't a seven-second ride, but rather an event that didn't have any cowboys at all...
YEE HAW DUDE! Cowboy Boot Sandals?
YEE HAW DUDE! Cowboy Boot Sandals?
YEE HAW DUDE! Cowboy Boot Sandals?
As far as fashion goes, I'm certainly no expert. But like they say about porn... you know it when you see it... and what I see here is a couture calamity if I've ever seen one! Redneck Boot Sandals, a company in Missouri says they will take your cowboy boots and turn them into more summer time friendly footwear...
R.I.P. Marlboro Man
R.I.P. Marlboro Man
R.I.P. Marlboro Man
Wyoming resident Darrel Winfield, a.k.a. The Marlboro Man, has died at 85. Winfield wasn't some Hollywood model, but rather the real deal cowboy who worked his ranch most of his life. He served as the face for Marlboro for over 20 years ('68-'89) Most tobacco haters would likely click on this story to see if he died of cancer...