Montana is awesome in so many ways, but it can be challenging for those looking for love. According to recent data analysis, we rank 10th in the nation when it comes to the best states for finding romance.
You might be asking yourself “What the heck is catfishing?”
Definition: Catfishing: US, informal
"the process of luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona."
You’ve seen the MTV show Catfish?? It gets heated because people are lied t...
With Valentine's Day only a couple of weeks away, Wyoming's single folks are feeling the pain. Unfortunately, this will not make you feel any better if you currently "on the market".
Well this comes as no surprise, Women Are Most Attracted to Men Their Age, Men Are Most Attracted to Women in Their 20s. Uh... DUH!!!
OKCupid just released two graphs that basically summarize everything you'll ever need to know about dating...
Anyone who's ever been the victim of a pickup line can probably agree with this response: WOOF. While a lot of them can be pretty awful ("Do you have a bandaid? Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you."), all are straight up hilarious.
It doesn't matter which way we spin it; breaking up stinks. (Unless, of course, you're the breaker-upper, in which case it's like a cause for celebration.) Either way, cutting the relationship cord has gotten a bit easier ever since text messaging hit the scene. As it turns out, break up texts can be hilarious.
Here are a couple life lessons to live by: Always sign out of your Facebook, folks. Oh, and also don't cheat on your girlfriend. Valuable lessons to takeaway from this deceptively cheerful breakup note peppered with hearts and exclamation points.
Online dating can be a real hassle, and sometimes (read: usually), despite your best efforts, you still attract an absolute creepster. Let's be frank, if you can manage to find somebody who doesn't continually sniff their fingers during a meal you've gotten lucky.
Men doing foolish things to impress women has been a common thread throughout history. But, for today, we can call Jeffrey Tyler Siegel the king of the fools.