Fourth of July
Fourth of July Safety Tips
Independence day approaches and what's America's favorite way to celebrate? Blowing stuff up, Including Barbie dolls, toilets, fish and especially their own fingers.
I was asked to compile a list of ways to keep limbs from separating from your body due to an ill-timed throw or putting out your friend's eye during an ill-conceived Roman candle duel...
Seven Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
July 4th. Independence day. A day to celebrate the founding of the United States of America. A celebration involving a massive consumption of beer, a variety of barbecued meats and filling emergency rooms around the country with a cornucopia of gunpowder injuries...
Where Can You Buy and Set Off Fireworks Around Billings?
The 4th of July is just around the corner! What are you doing? I’m planning on enjoying a fantastic fireworks display right in my own front yard!
How To Throw A 4th Of July Block Party
Do you know what to do in order to throw a 4th of July Block Party? Well, I'm not a "Pro" myself, but I have had a little bit of experience in the party area. That makes me an expert doesn't it?
July 4th Fireworks Shows in and Near Billings
The celebration of our Nations Independence is closely approaching and once again there will be plenty of ‘rockets’ red glare’ in the skies above Yellowstone County.
Top 10 American Rock Bands
In the lead up to the Fourth of July and in celebration of America’s legacy of amazing bands, has been counting down the Top 50 American Rock Bands of All Time all this week. Today, we’re ready to unveil the list’s Top 10. So who was #1...