Adam Sandler's songs aren't exactly winners for the critics, but I personally look forward to the next version of the Thanksgiving song. If you're a hater, you will surely hate this.
I grew up in the south, but I've lived enough places to know this: The south does not have a monopoly on doing stupid shit. It's quite possible that there might be a Montanan or two in this video.
Oh, and there is one more thing I've learned over the years...
It's the most relatable Disney's Frozen parody out there. Watch a woman ask her fellow students, "Do you wanna go to Starbucks?" while we take our coffee break.
This morning as I was working out I saw a commercial for "Certified Humane" natural meats... the kind you might buy at Good Earth Market downtown or at Natural Grocers on 24th Street. The ads promote the humane treatment of farm animals and how animals who are treated humanely are healthier for us to eat.
Oh goody. Here come's Valentine's Day. Can you feel my enthusiasm? Probably not. I'm not a big fan of it. So, if you dislike Valentine's Day as well, don't worry. You are not alone!
So what's so great about this boat? Honestly, there is absolutely nothing amazing about this 1995 LUND Alaskan. But when you read to the owner's description and sales pitch, the possibilities that could come from owning this boat are endless!
George Carlin once joked that the only reason he watched auto racing was for the accidents, he “wanted to see some cars on fire”. Funny because it’s true. However, when they are as serious looking as this one, there isn’t much to laugh about.
The internet is usually a showcase for all the cute and adorable things animals do but there is a reason the phrase “You’re acting like a bunch of animals” is used to call out humans misbehaving.