
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
How are we my cosmic cuties?! This week the total lunar eclipse is sure to shake things up a bit here in Big Sky Country. If you have felt like this year has been a whirlwind of emotions, change, or stagnant energy- you are not alone. Total lunar eclipses effect people differently...
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Billings, this is a BIG week for us cosmically. Dust is settling for many of the star signs as the holidays approach. This is a good thing for us because we all have family members that trigger us. Stay in your power during this time, hold thy tongue, and remain in your peace...
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
How about that epic full moon last night guys?! In Big Sky Country the views of the moon are incredible. Each full moon is a time to celebrate your accomplishments from the last month. It is welcomed and honored that you celebrate yourself, even the smallest of victories...
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Ahhh, are you feeling  lighter this week my friends? Because I surely do! Mercury went direct yesterday on October 2, 2022. The chaotic energy of the last few weeks is starting to simmer down.  If you have no idea what the heck Mercury Retrograde is and how much it affected Billings, click here. This we...
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Astrology with Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Hello Cosmic Cuties!! PHEW, another week down and I'm feeling Mercury Retrograde hard. How about you?? What if you don't know what mercury retrograde is or you want to see how it's affecting Billings people and businesses?? Check it out here...