Regardless of what you think of the "climate change" debate, I thought this Bozeman business was pitching a very interesting concept at the global climate summit in Dubai recently.
The International Space Station will be visible (weather permitting) over Montana for the next 10 days or so. It will orbit directly over Billings this weekend.
Terry Virts flew the space shuttle Endeavor and was Commander of the International Space Station. He'll be at the Alberta Bair on January 28th with National Geographic Live, View From Above.
This isn't some vacation from the real world. If you get selected, you and three others are going to live together and spend all of your time pretending like things are going wrong on Mars.
Long before there was Google Earth, NASA has been snapping some pretty sweet pics of our planet from space. Here are seven awesome shots of Montana, as seen from over 200 miles away.
The Angry Birds franchise turned to NASA for the development and promotion of their game Angry Birds Space. Now it appears the space agency is turning to the super-addictive game for their latest strategy to explore the great beyond.