From 199 entries, Belgrade artist Chuck Black won the 89-year-old competition with his stunning rendition of a northern pintail duck he first photographed in 2020 near Yellowstone.
"Montana is ugly", said no one ever.
From the wide-open prairies and river bottoms in eastern Montana to the soaring peaks and mountain valleys in the western half of the state, the view around here isn't too shabby. I've lived in the Treasure State for most of my life and the beauty of Montana still makes me say "wow" almost every day...
Terry Virts flew the space shuttle Endeavor and was Commander of the International Space Station. He'll be at the Alberta Bair on January 28th with National Geographic Live, View From Above.
We thought we'd share some awe-inspiring photos thanks to the National Park Service. Yes, these are still photos without people, but that's what makes them beautiful,
If you haven't heard of 12-year-old Anthony Schmidt yet, you probably will soon. This kid has been sweeping the internet the past week or so and I wouldn't be surprised if you see him on Ellen one of these days.