He was walking through the SHOT Show down in Las Vegas and spotted a Montana booth. What is a state doing at the world's biggest gun and outdoor gear show? He soon found out.
When it comes to your gun rights and concealed carry permits, "enhanced carry" In Montana's most recent legislative session made it across the finish line. What's the status of that new law? Here's the latest.
To quote Bobby Boucher- "that's what I call high quality H2O!" Check out what Camelbak did to help deliver some "quiet water" for our nation's veterans and a Montana-based veteran's nonprofit.
These are the ammo loading systems that are going to be used in Glendive, and they're made in Stevensville, Montana. We're talking about Alpha Loading Systems, just one of several great Montana companies we got to see at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas.
What a POWERFUL and incredible story about how a kid who grew up on a ranch south of Butte, and STILL serves in the US military, started a company now launching this $50 million investment in Helena, Montana.
The biggest gun and outdoor gear show in the world is coming up in Las Vegas, so you know a bunch of us Montanans will once again be in the house for the big event.
Gov. Gianforte: "We're announcing a new gun manufacturer investing $50 million in Helena...their gun last year at the SHOT Show was voted "Best in Show" and they're going to be manufactured right here in Montana."
I'm all about talkin' trash. I grew up playing basketball in the 90s south of Chicago. So when someone tagged me in a LinkedIn post where some spud from Idaho was saying how Idaho was better than Montana- I was more than willing to jump in.
We were broadcasting LIVE from radio row at the big SHOT Show in Las Vegas and chatting with Montana filmmaker and sportsman Tom Opre. That's when nationally syndicated radio host Lars Larson walked by, spotted the Montana folks, and jumped in on the conversation.
We got a chance to catch up with Loesch, the former spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, from the floor of the SHOT Show. This, shortly after Loesch and Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) challenged the ATF at the SHOT Show.