An Overlooked Outdoor Billings Venue
I finally took the kids to Montana Fair last night. I was hoping that by waiting till later in the week there would be shorter lines on the rides. That was not necessarily our experience, but we managed to get on most of the rides the kids really wanted to ride. Then the rain showers hit about 10:15 pm and kind of cleared things out. That was our cue to get our snacks to-go and hit the road.
In between rides, I had made a couple of trips to the beer garden and on one of those trips, I cut thru the pond area on my way back to the midway. I stopped and sat down for a few minutes to finish my cold beverage and enjoy some of the free entertainment that was playing on the pond stage.
This got me wondering why this location isn't used for more outdoor summer concerts in Billings. It really is a nice set-up for a festival style admission event. There are lots of grassy spots on the hills to plonk down a blanket or lawn chair. The acoustics seemed pretty decent, with the music floating across the water. The view is quite nice, with the rimrocks and a sunset or storm clouds in the background. Even without the fair going on, this location would allow easy access to concession stands and bathrooms. I would guess you could get around 1,500 people around the area comfortably to watch a concert? I've seen a wedding or two at the Metra pond, now I'm just waiting for a summer concert event. Other than the fair.
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