‘Anger Management’ Review: “Charlie Dates a Serial Killer’s Sister”
‘Anger Management’ continues on its 90-episode, two-year run with its 37th overall episode, “Charlie Dates a Serial Killer's Sister,” as Charlie inadvertently finds himself involved with inmate Wayne's sister Wynona (LeAnn Rimes), while Nolan shows Patrick his bizarre relationship with Lacey..
Previous episode, “Charlie and the Hot Nerd,” saw Charlie tangle with his Comic-Con girlfriend’s ex, while Lacey attempted to make a sale as a pharmaceutical representative. So what did the latest episode bring? Were there more laughs to be had in the 37th half-hour of ‘Anger Management,’ or was it as grim as murder?
Read on for your in-depth recap of everything you need to know about ‘Anger Management’ episode 37, “Charlie Dates a Serial Killer's Sister”!
Charlie meets with his prison group, though Wayne initially refuses to face his chair forward, angry about additional time being added to his sentence. After the session, Charlie flirts with a beautiful woman named Wynona, who had visited her brother in the prison, before the she and Charlie quickly fall into a weeks-long relationship.
Over drinks at the bar, Patrick chastises Nolan for ignoring the obvious advances of an attractive waitress, as Nolan believes himself to be in a consensual peeping Tom relationship with Lacey. Meanwhile in Charlie’s next prison session, inmate Ernesto refuses to meet Wayne’s gaze, given that Wayne had threatened him for flirting with his sister…you guessed it, Wynona.
Back at the bar, Michael points out to Charlie that siblings of serial killers might share similar tendencies, while Patrick and Nolan sit in a parked car outside Lacey’s house. To Patrick’s surprise, Lacey clearly puts on a show by the window for Nolan, though she denies it when Patrick calls from outside. That night in a parked car, Charlie happens upon Wynona’s trunk and sees such murderous equipment as duct tape, bleach, and an axe, which she insists are innocent.
Charlie undertakes a private session with Wayne to gauge how angry he’d be about Charlie dating Wynona, though Wayne surprisingly reveals that she already told him, and he encourages the thought. Not only that, but Wynona was adopted, eliminating the thought that she and Wayne might share murderous impulses.
The next day in Charlie’s regular group, Jen overhears and laughs at one of Ed’s painful admissions, while Patrick privately urges Lacey to stop leading Nolan on with their pseudo relationship. That night after bed, Charlie happens upon Wynona’s collection of preserved roadkill skulls, as she downplays their creepiness but admits that she had to be adopted away from the family for Wayne’s safety, rather than adopt into.
The next day, Wayne admits to tricking Charlie into liking his sister, and consents to aid in their breakup, as Charlie fears what she might do. Meanwhile, Nolan sees that Lacey has missed their appointment at her window, and Patrick urges him to drive away. Once he does however, Lacey wakes from a nap on the couch and goes to begin the show, but sees they’ve already gone.
As Charlie tells Mike how Wayne handled the breakup for him, an agitated Wynona rushes in and exclaims that Wayne threatened to have them both killed if they don’t break up. Charlie downplays his abilities as a therapist to change Wayne’s mind, which Michael corroborates, as Wynona offers a parting gift of a roadkill skull made just for Charlie. Wynona leaves in tears, as Charlie admires its craftsmanship.
Some big changes are in store for 'Anger Management,' which took last week off for the holiday and promoted guest star Brian Austin Green to series regular as part of the show's ongoing re-tool. The presence of LeAnn Rimes no doubt follows the notion of driving buzz for the series, which tonight featured no appearances from Selma Blair's Kate, or even a mention.
We felt the characterization of Rimes' Wynona to be a bit inconsistent, ranging from glibly self-aware of her more troubling behaviors, to unable to see past Charlie's deceptions. Rimes otherwise sold the role amicably, which lent an overall sense of increased effort and stronger humor to the episode. Similarly appreciated was the consistency in displaying Nolan and Lacey's oddball relationship, though that cow can only give milk for so much longer. No pun intended, but still, yowza.
Did you enjoy the latest from ‘Anger Management’’s ongoing run, or did it make you burn with rage? Join us in next week for another all-new ‘Anger Management’ episode recap of “Charlie and the Cheating Patient" on FX!
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