Arby’s announces a MEAT CARROT!
I had to double check the sources on this story, because when it popped into my feed, I thought surely it was an Onion article or some other satire. But it is not. Arby's has created a carrot made out of meat. Turkey meat, to be exact.
They're calling the creation the Marrot (meat+carrot) and it is part of the "megetable" family. Meat+vegetable. Clever. According to reports, the Marrot tastes almost identical to a cooked carrot and has 30 grams of protein and 70% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin A.
At a time when a number of chain restaurants are offering meat-alternative burgers, Arby's is planting their feet firmly on the whole, "we have the meats" thing. According to a statement from the company in May, "The chances we will bring plant-based menu items to our restaurants, now or in the future, are absolutely impossible." Supposedly, Arby's is actually considering rolling out the meat carrot, er, Marrot to franchise locations. I can't wait. See pics of the Marrot HERE.