Tom Blunt

Underdog Lena Dunham Wins Best Actress Golden Globe
'Girls' creator and star Lena Dunham rocked Hollywood tonight, snatching the Best Actress statuette out from under several more glamorous, better established actresses.

Oops! Technical Glitch Interrupts Paul Rudd and Salma Hayek at the Golden Globes
The 2013 Golden Globe Awards came to a momentary standstill thanks to some sort of camera glitch.

2013 Golden Globes – Watch Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s Opening Monologue
Watch hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler crack up the stars at the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards!

2012’s Best Water Slide Fails
Of 2012's many fails, we have a soft spot for those involving water slides, mudslides, slip n' slides, and... well, you get the idea.

Angry Bobcat Released From Trap
If you want to see the epigram "No good deed goes unpunished" in action, watch how this bobcat reacts to the friendly guys trying to free it from a steel-jawed trap.

The World’s Shortest Escalator
Here's one tourist attraction that won't leave you breathless!

Jam Out With All-Robot Band ‘Compressorhead’
The all-robot band Compressorhead makes those Chuck E. Cheese animatrons look like a bunch of clowns!

Fun With Jackhammers!
There's nothing like a bunch of Russian construction workers pretending to shoot each other with jackhammers to put a smile on your face.

17-Foot Python Menaces Family Picnic
This enormous Burmese python was killed by Florida park rangers this week after it crashed a family's holiday outing.

Weird Science: Watch This Bizarre Chemical Reaction
Something very strange happens at the 1:15 point in this video. When these three clear solutions are combined on a stir plate, the result changes color — and keeps changing!

The Justin Bieber and Slipknot Mashup That No One Asked For
What happens when you put Justin Bieber's "Baby" and Slipknot's "Psychosocial" in a blender together? The result is more harmonious than you'd ever have believed.

Drake Foolishly Demands Payment for ‘YOLO’ Usage
Drake has begun insisting that retailers cut him a check for usage of the slogan 'YOLO' on merchandise. However, the rapper didn't invent the term... he merely popularized it.