Buy This Pub and Get a Free Booze Guzzling Pig
No one wants to own a bar and grill catering to social degenerates and alcoholic swine. However, when the alcoholic swine is actually a beer guzzling pig – we consider that the exception to the rule.
Start counting your pennies kids, because for about $800,000 you could be the proud owner of the famous Pub in the Paddock, which sits on nearly seven acres of the luxurious Pyengana Valley in Tasmania and comes complete with a fine selection of booze and a filthy stinking pig named ‘Pinky’ to help you drink it. Pinky is the offspring of the pub’s first famous beer-drinking pig, Priscilla, who either passed away from natural causes or from complications of cirrhosis of the oinker. Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.
The schtick is that when people visit the pub to drown their sorrows, they can also buy a specially-made stubby of beer for Pinky and bond with the beast while they whine and cry about troubles they’re having with women, work and other tribulations of the drinking man.
Anne Free, owner of Pub in the Paddock for the past nine years, says that she never thought she would have to compete with a pig but that is what people come to see when they visit her establishment.
Pub in the Paddock has been getting the East Coast hinterland liquored up for over 130 years and partying with piggies for more than a decade.
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