Not a lot of folks will remember this airline but those who do miss these flights dearly for short flights around Montana.

If you didn't know this but Montana actually had their own airline once. That airline was Big Sky Airlines. Big Sky Airlines was a small airline with flights around Montana and the surrounding state's biggest cities.  They had flights to Denver, Boise, and more. Plus, you could fly from Missoula to Kalispell or Billings to Bozeman.

I remember taking Big Sky Airlines from Boise to Missoula because they offered the only direct flight to Montana from Idaho. That was huge for me who didn't want to drive ten hours on the freeway and obviously didn't have snow tires. The planes that Big Sky Airlines used weren't massive or impressive. You usually ended up with a window and aisle seat at the same time, I actually enjoyed that. Plus, the flight crews were always super nice and helpful.

If you are wondering what happened to Big Sky Airlines, they ceased operations in 2008 due to several factors but two of the biggest reasons was because they lost their contract with Delta Airlines and a big drop in revenue. Keeping the airline going wasn't feasible.

Above the clouds
Elena Elisseeva/Getty Images

That simply breaks my heart. I know many folks who loved flying Big Sky Airlines when they were around because they offered flights to places that no one else offered. I've been clamoring for a direct flight to Boise for years but that's just a dream. Maybe one day Big Sky Airlines will make a comeback but for now, we have the memories.

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