How Soon Will Gay Marriage Come To Montana?
Today the U.S. Supreme Court declined to rule on whether or not individual states can ban gay marriage. In Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin and Indiana that means that same sex couples in those state CAN get married legally. The reason being is that lower federal courts did rule that those states ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional. As a result of the Supreme Court's non-ruling, same-sex couples can now legally marry in 24 states.
Can Montana be far behind? In 2004 Montana voters approved a measure that states that marriage can only be between one man and one woman. Back in May of this year though the ACLU and 4 gay couples filed suit in a U.S. District Court alleging that "the state’s constitutional ban denies same-sex couples the freedom and dignity afforded to other Montanans, and robs them of the legal protections and benefits that come with marriage". That decision is likely to come within weeks rather than months. Conventional wisdom is that Montana's law, vehemently defended by Republican Attorney General Tim Fox, will be struck down and if the Supreme Court follows suit, that Montana's gay citizens will have the same right to marry that heterosexuals now have.