How to Stay Cool When it’s Hot
101 today(Wednesday), 98 tomorrow and Friday, 100+ Saturday, Sunday and Monday! How are suppose to stay cool during a heatwave when you don't have air conditioning? I've got a few tips for you
10- Drink water- It helps keep your body temperature down
9- Mix up frozen treats and smoothies
8- Get some fans- They don't really cool your house but they do move air around
7- Put some wet washcloths and even a sheet in the fridge for bed time
6- Whole house fan- It will suck out the hot air
5- Keep the blinds/curtains closed or put foil over the windows
4- You can actually buy a cooling pillow called a Chillow
3- Placing a cool washcloth on the back of your neck or wrists, it helps cool you down
2- Take a few cool showers
1- Get naked!? I know, but you can get out of the shower, go relax in front of a fan for a little while. I DON"T recommend this one while you are at a strangers houses.