It’s National Margarita Day!
Monday, February 22, 2016 is a day of celebration. A day that has the ability of rival some of the best drinking holidays. A day that will leave some asking the question, work or no worm?
This day is National Margarita Day!
National Margarita Day, an unofficial national holiday is claimed to have been founded by a few dozen bartenders, so it is difficult to trace its exact origin. Regardless, get a margarita and use #NationalMargaritaDay to post on social media.
Remember to always drink responsibly and never drink and drive.
I know what you are doing. As you read this, you are probably tapping your toes, humming Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" to yourself. Where the heck is that dang ol' salt?
That song actually helped popularize Margarita Day back in 1977 believe it or not.
So if you are planning on celebrating this unofficial holiday but need the original recipe, I can help.
- 1 ounce tequila
- Dash of Triple Sec
- Juice of 1/2 lime or lemon
Pour over crushed ice, stir. Rub the rim of a stem glass with rind of lemon or lime, spin in salt—pour, and sip. (Wikipedia)
There you go! Happy National Margarita Day from all of us here at Cat Country 102.9 and we look forward to a nice hangover tomorrow...or maybe not.