UPDATE: Illegal Home On McDonald Creek, Glacier Park Heads To Court

For nearly 2 years now, I've been following the story of the illegal build on McDonald Creek in Glacier Park. Get a synopsis of the story below.

Here's an update from the court hearing of January 8, 2025 from the Flathead Beacon:

Basically, John and Stacy Ambler have been ordered TWICE in the last couple of years to tear down the illegal home. Instead of being good stewards of the land they claim to hold so precious, they got a lawyer and they're suing the Flathead County Conservation District because they say, wait for it:

They're entitled to the build

They say it's due to an inholding from when Glacier National Park was established. You can look at their case here.

The Ambler's claim to have followed build laws and retained proper permits. However, they failed to have filed the free 310 Law. From the Flathead Beacon, The 310 Law "which states that any private individual or entity proposing work in or near a stream that “physically alters or modifies the bed or immediate banks of a perennial-flowing stream” must first obtain an approved permit from the local conservation district."

The Amblers claim since their family has had an inholding since the creation of the park, around 1910, and they are immune to any new laws and regulations that come after that.

Residents of Flathead County and The Flathead County Conservation District disagree.

The attorneys for the Amblers and the conservation district made their case in Missoula in front of Federal Judge Kathleen DeSoto on January 8, 2025.

We'll update you on the story when the judge comes to her conclusion in the matter.


Never Underestimate The Lengths Montanans Will Go To Protect Glacier Park And Our Utter Hatred For Entitled Out-Of-Staters

Back on February 8, The Daily Interlake reported on a home being built on the banks of McDonald Creek near Apgar.  At the time, the Flathead County planning officials said there was nothing they could do about the home being constructed because there is no Federal Emergency Management Agency floodplain designation in the area, due to the floodplain never getting mapped. That left the agency helpless, they thought.


Around 17 people have filed a complaint against the property build saying it violates the Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act, the 310 law.

On February 27th, the conservation board, the owners, and a Montana FWP biologist took a look at the home and concluded the stream bank been had been excavated in violation of the law.  The house is being built about 20 feet from the creek on a bend in the creek that is eroding away.


They've been ordered to tear down the house by November 1, 2023

The owners of the rogue build are John and Stacy Ambler of San Diego, California.  Turns out they never applied for the FREE permit needed, a 310 permit, to begin construction.  However, to tear down the property, they're required to obtain a 310 permit for that, as well.

The lawyer for the couple asked for a delay so the couple could bring in an engineer to plead their case.  It was denied since they were already in violation of the law for not applying for the 310 permit in the first place.

I'm sure we haven't heard the last from the Amblers.  It's shockingly easy to find them on the internet.  I was sure they'd be in hiding by now.

How did this even happen in a national park?  Turns out this land is private property within the park boundary that has been grandfathered since before the park's creation.  It's hard to find out how this worked back when Glacier Park was first opened.


I kind of hate to be this person, but this makes me extremely happy.  It's another example of entitled out of staters thinking they can come into our NATIONAL PARK and just build a freaking SUMMER house on the banks of a creek with no regard for ANYONE or ANYTHING but themselves.

Millionaires take note.  Play stupid entitled games in Montana, and it could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.  We are straight up fed up with all of you.

Who thinks they're entitled to destroy a view like this?


I got information on this story from The Daily Interlake, Hungry Horse News and KPAX and The Flathead Beacon.

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