6 Things You Absolutely Have To Accept When Moving To Montana.
Moving anywhere can go in two directions. It can either be the best thing you have ever done, or it can be the biggest regret of your life.
Clearly, Montana in general is seeing a huge increase in population, that is no shocker, but here are a few things you absolutely have to accept if you want to move here. There are just certain things that will never change. If you can't get on board with these 6 things, Montana may not be the dream move you have always hoped it would be.

6 Things You Absolutely Have To Accept, Or You Shouldn't Move To Montana
1. Montanan's wish Bozeman was still a small town. If you can't accept the frustration voiced by lifelong locals, perhaps this is not the "last best place" for you.
2. You will get stuck behind a tractor, combine, or some other form of farming equipment. No matter how big the towns grow, farmers are still doing what they do best and using the land for what it is meant to be used for. With that being said, if you are in some sort of rush to get to yoga or whatever, you'll have to get over it.
3. If you hate when people start a story with "I remember back when..." or "it used to be...", then it will be difficult for you to live in the town you are moving to or hoping to move to.
Part of the reason Montana is so amazing is because people have lived here for so long and they have stories to tell. It's part of the culture and history and what makes Montana, Montana.
4. resale restrictions For real though, just look at some of the Bozeman social media pages, and read the comments. Some people do ask some really idiotic questions, I will agree with that, but the comments can get a bit harsh. So if you can't take some obscene internet trolls, it might be hard to "fit in" here.
5. Montanans have a way of living, driving, and dreaming. If you are coming here with big ideas to "make the town better", you will most likely be shut down instantly.
6. You won't just move here and be the most popular kid in town right off the bat. Feeling like you are walking on eggshells the moment you hear the words, "Where did you move here from", are spoken to you is totally normal.
Montana is beautiful and for the most part, there are really wonderful people living here, but it is also not for the weak. So before you quit your job, sell your home, and take the kids out of school, ask yourself if these 6 things are things you can accept. If the answer is no, then you may want to rethink your move.
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