Billings, I Need Your Opinion- Was My Hostess’ Behavior Appropriate?
My spouse and I wanted to have a lovely dinner for a small celebration, so we went to one of Billings' most popular and fancy restaurants. Based on what my colleagues and friends have told me about this place, it sounded lovely. We booked a reservation and went on our merry way last Friday evening.
The Hostess... not with the mostess.
We arrived at the fancy pants restaurant and were greeted by 3 hostesses. Two were young, maybe 20 years old. The other was older, with greying hair and a big smile on her face. She brought us to our table where we sat and thought we were going to have a bit of small talk with the seater... but it got awkward fast.
Doppelgänger weirdness
This grey-haired woman proceeded to stare at me after I sat down. She was crowding the table and hovering... all while staring directly at me for about 5 seconds. Her eyes went up and down my face, and then she said, “I know you from somewhere.”
I replied smiling awkwardly, “Probably because I’m on the radio and my face is all over Facebook.”
She replied, ‘No... you have a doppelgänger.’
I just sat there giggling, but then this woman’s face got a bit more serious. She said, “You have an evil twin like what’s in the White House right now...”
After she made this comment, I was very confused. I had no idea what this lady was saying. I don’t talk about politics, especially when I’m just trying to get dinner and enjoy my evening. I do look like a lot of people; I'm constantly mistaken for someone people know. I just have one of those faces. And to say I have an evil twin is just- weird.
Google is a beautiful thing
Once I got home from dinner, I googled Doppelgänger and White House... all the QAnon conspiracies popped up about Biden having a twin in the White House who's making all the decisions... That’s when I guttural laughed.
Who thinks it’s okay to say stuff like that to patrons at your workplace? Not me. And I was a hostess at a steak house for years. We talked about weather, the food, where the patron traveled from- but not politics and religion.
Word of advice for any business owner: If you want people to come back to your establishment to eat, then teach the employees to keep their opinions on politics and religion to themselves. I will not be returning to this place to eat because that experience was so uncomfortable for me.
Email me if you have thoughts on this. Was her comment inappropriate or not? Mornings@Billingsmix.com