Motorcycle Riders Help Grant Wishes for Seriously Ill Children
The sale of special motorcycle license plates will help to make wishes come true of seriously ill children throughout the state of Montana.
Montana Attorney General’s Office spokeswoman Anastasia Burton said the Department of Justice introduced the new Chrome for Kids license plate.
“Today we announced the availability of $24,000 in ‘Chrome for Kids’ wish fund grants,” said Burton. “That money is made available through the sale of a special Chrome for Kids motorcycle license plate. The plate itself costs $35 and $20 of that goes directly to the Chrome for Kids wish fund. Montana-based nonprofit organizations that have a mission to help children with chronic or critically ill diagnoses are eligible to apply.”
Burton said there have been a variety of special requests by the children for their wishes.
“There have been wishes for trips to Disneyland and Disney World,” she said. “We have a young lady from central Montana who wanted to use her grant to go to India with her family to volunteer for a week at an orphanage there. The grants themselves have gone to a variety of nonprofits. Every time those funds go out to a special need, it is just so heartwarming and gratifying to be able to grant children their wishes."
Burton said the license plate program is also a testament to the generosity of Montana’s motorcycle riding community.
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