My Top 5 Thanksgiving Dinner Must-Haves in Montana
Since moving away from Miles City in 2015, I made a strong attempt to visit for Thanksgiving. However, in recent years, I've opted to stay home here in Billings (and usually I visit my long-time friend... and former childhood babysitter... Timbr) for Thanksgiving dinner. (She is the BEST cook. No, you can't come. Leftovers are all mine.)
However, back home in Miles City, my dear mother would always ask me what I wanted to see at the Thanksgiving feast. My answers remained the same, year after year.
These are the 5 things I simply must have for Thanksgiving.
Turkey AND Ham
Maybe I am spoiled (yes, 100%) but I love it when Thanksgiving includes multiple meat choices. After all, I love my meats. And having a delicious baked ham and turkey on the same plate, juicy and delicious, to enjoy with family and friends? Heck yes.
The CREAMIEST Mashed Potatoes (Gravy optional)
If you have lumpy potatoes, I'll happily teach you how to solve that problem... because there is simply no excuse for it. Now, if your goal is to have those lumps... I'm not sure we can be friends. Though, if you use cream cheese in your mashed potatoes and garlic... I'll be your friend forever.

Cranberry Sauce... but canned!!!!!
Unpopular opinion here... but I would rather eat the Ocean Spray (#NotASponsor) Jellied Cranberry Sauce any day over your fancy-schmancy cranberry sauce. Sure, it may not be made with love and care.. but dang it is good. I'll bring my own can if I have to.
Stove Top Stuffing #NotASponsor...Again
Once more, unpopular opinion, but as a guy who spent half his life living in a trailer house with parents who worked hard as hell for their money... I grew accustomed to the good ol' Stove Top stuffing. Though, if you make homemade stuffing... I WILL enjoy that.
Pecan Pie (Not Pea-can. It's Pa-con. You hear me, Cole?)
Absolutely iconic at Thanksgiving dinner is the Pecan Pie. The top coated with nuts, a rich and delicious interior... YUM. If you make this homemade... again, I'll be your friend forever. (And I am absolutely having more than one slice)
Honorable Mention: A Fluffy Jell-O "Salad"
Minnesota salads... that aren't really salads! (Blame "That Midwestern Mom" on TikTok for that... but it's true.) Some form of a Jell-O salad, utilizing a whole container of Cool Whip, holds a special place in my heart. And my arteries.
What are your MUST HAVES at Thanksgiving?
You've heard my wants... let me know yours in the app, or on Facebook. We'd love to hear.
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