Did You Know National Margarita Day Is Montana’s Favorite Drinking Holiday?
Ah yes, February 22nd. It's a day that can mean many things to many people.
For some people, February 22nd is National Supermarket Employee Day. For others, it's National California Day. And some even like to use it to celebrate National Cook A Sweet Potato Day.
(Plus, this year only, you get the bonus of it being Twosday: 2/22/22).
But, if you ask Montana, while we love our supermarket employees and our sweet potatoes as much as the next state, we're going to be using today to celebrate National Margarita Day.
National Margarita Day is Montana's Favorite Beverage Holiday
The people at ShaneCo put this extensive list together detailing every single state's favorite holidays, and then breaks them even further down into specific categories.
That includes categories celebrating food and beverages - and National Margarita Day topped the list for 9 states, including Montana. That made it the third-most popular beverage holiday, behind National Tequila Day (13 states) and National Wine Day (10 states).

Montana actually stood alone in the food category: we were the only state that selected National Pasta Day as our favorite.
And as far as holidays overall go, Montana kept the drinking theme going - our favorite holiday was St. Patrick's Day, because of course it was.
So today's a good day to take off work early, pour yourself a margarita, and start searching for your lost shaker of salt.
How are you going to be celebrating National Margarita Day in Montana today?