Questions About Billings’ Lazy KT Motel Demolition Answered
Even though I can't build many things myself, the building and demolition of buildings has always interested me. Here in Billings, the Lazy KT Motel has been in the news. It has been a hub for criminal activity, so business owners in the area joined forces and bought the property. And they are having it torn down.
We had asked questions on the air yesterday wanting to know what the permits for demolition cost and time frame for having the project wrapped up.
Enter the official project manager, Joshua Sage. He messaged us the information which I will now share with you.
First of all, the permit wasn't submitted until Monday. And part of that process is to have all of the utility companies' signatures verifying that all services have been terminated and removed from the property. And that is so no damage is done to existing services. And in this particular case, it took more time to get the water service terminated. Which makes sense, now that it has been explained to me. And Joshua also told us that the job will take six or seven days.

Then this morning, I offered the services of the crew that volunteered to help work on Paul's calving barn. With the crew of about seventy-five that we had, we could have that motel down in an afternoon. I realize that is not how it works, but I thought that I'd bring it up.
Personally, I'm going to miss the place. I've never been in any of the rooms there. But after driving by the place for the better part of thirty years at 4:45 in the morning, the Lazy KT has provided more excitement at that time of day than any other spot along my drive.