Summer Heat in Billings KILLED My Canary Security Camera
Nowadays, almost everyone has some sort of security in their home. Be it cameras, a security system, viciously lovable dogs, attack cats, or all of the above. For me, I have cameras and a smart lock. However, last week when it reached well past 100 in Billings, my security camera COOKED.

One Hot Mama
Last week started out fairly nice, mid-80s for the high. But by Wednesday, we were touching the 100s. When you consider this poor Canary was sitting in my bay window, I'm sure it was far hotter in there.
I came home Thursday, after multiple 100+ days, and realized the normal "person detected" notification didn't come through on my smartwatch. After checking the Canary app, it relayed my little Canary was offline. I checked the window, and when I grabbed that little thing, it was scalding hot. Far hotter than 100 degrees for sure, nearly hot enough to burn. After unplugging it, and giving it a rest in front of the A/C for a few hours, I plugged my Canary back in... to silence. No blinking lights. No movement from the camera. R.I.P.
Canary Down!
No more tweets from this Canary. A few years back I grabbed the cheap Canary cam for this particular job, as I knew it was destined to die. Banished to the window, to peer out from the inside 24/7, as a package watching camera. It caught a fair share of porch pirates at my first place in town, and one rogue door-to-door politician that I had no interest in talking to, over the years.
What now?
Well, in its place, is nothing. For now, my packages are unprotected... mostly. Other cameras still keep watch, but as we all know in Billings, it's best to keep watch over everything you own. Just a shame to lose my Canary.