
News Anchor Drops Awkward F-Bomb Live on Air [NSFW VIDEO]
News Anchor Drops Awkward F-Bomb Live on Air [NSFW VIDEO]
News Anchor Drops Awkward F-Bomb Live on Air [NSFW VIDEO]
WDBJ's Holly Pietrzak joined the oh-so-unfortunate list of anchors who have made Freudian slips on the air this week after she mixed up the word "luck" with, well, a word that rhymes with luck. The visibly embarrassed Pietrzak quickly corrected herself, but allowed just enough time for the Internet to catch it and turn it into a viral video.
Local Anchor Accidentally Reports President Obama Is Dead
Local Anchor Accidentally Reports President Obama Is Dead
Local Anchor Accidentally Reports President Obama Is Dead
Talk about a big ooops!!! When breaking news occurs, mistakes are bound to be had. Unfortunately, one local news anchor for Washington, D.C., Fox affiliate WTTG learned this the hard way last night while reporting on the killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.