
Five 'Destructive Devices' That Are Illegal to Own in Montana
Five 'Destructive Devices' That Are Illegal to Own in Montana
Five 'Destructive Devices' That Are Illegal to Own in Montana
My original plan was to write about illegal weapons in Montana... But the fact is, there aren't many. Twenty-one states have outlawed brass knuckles, but they're completely legal to possess in Montana. Many states have restrictive knife laws too, but in the Treasure State, almost anything goes. Switchblades ...
Billings Top Shot 2015 Set
Billings Top Shot 2015 Set
Billings Top Shot 2015 Set
Think you have what it takes to be Billings' Top Shot? This Saturday and Sunday will be your chance to prove it at The Blue Creek Sport Shooting Complex. The competition will cover 5 weapon disciplines: Rifle Pistol Shotgun Bow & Arrow Hatchet Throw Competitive and novice divisions will compete with the top finishers advancing to Sunday's Final Elimination Challenge and finish with a BANG at
what do you think of this sign?
what do you think of this sign?
what do you think of this sign?
Guns and gun control has become a massive topic of discussion across the United States and a focal point of both national and state politics. The conversation has run non-stop on both sides of the issue. This latest YouTube video for a company advertising the sign pictured above has caused yet another heated round of discussion.
Police Use Lollipops to Subdue 350-Pound Man
Police Use Lollipops to Subdue 350-Pound Man
Police Use Lollipops to Subdue 350-Pound Man
Thank goodness a police officer in Macon, GA, had a stash of lollipops in his car last week. The tasty treats came in handy after an agitated, 6'4," 350-lb. mentally ill man began threatening health care workers with a broom and razor.