Win Your Thanksgiving Feast
Our V.I.P. Club is sponsored by Mackenzie River Pizza and if you haven't taken a second to sign up there's some great stuff there.
The holidays, we look forward to time off and time spent feeding our face with food and booze, that's how my family does it. Thanksgiving can get expensive quick, we know. There is $400 dollars Visa gift for you to sign up and win in our V.I.P Club to help with your Thanksgiving feast.
If you win the card I would spend some of it on a bottle of Wild Turkey. The 'Frozen Turkey' is sure to make the family happy, who doesn't like bourbon? You will need pecan ice cream, Wild Turkey 101, and Amaretto. Pull out the blender combine the Wild Turkey, Amaretto, and ice cream. Carmel sauce and whipped cream on top. Perfect desert.