
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
Hooo boy, it is so close to being summer, we can practically hear the incessant song of the ice cream truck already. Frankly we don't want to wait until Monday to kick off the season. We can't. We've lost all control. Here are some pics of animals in kiddie pools to prove it.
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
The next time a particular aspect of your own appearance gets you down -- like an expanding waistline, or a larger than normal nose -- remember what our mom used to say to us as children: "You could've been born as a star-nosed mole, or a blobfish. Now shut up and eat your tacos!" (Love ya, mom!)

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