Liz Hernandez wants you to whisper in her ear. That is, if you're in the new 'Fast & Furious' flick, or have a killer piece of gossip to share with her wide audience of viewers. But you're not and you don't.

The radio and red carpet personality formally known as "Luscious" Liz Hernandez currently charms celebs as a correspondent for E! Entertainment as well as on her nationally syndicated morning radio show, Valentine in the Morning.

When not batting her lashes and strutting in her heels, Liz is actually a normal gal: tweeting about her favorite songs, buying a lot of new shoes, oh and posting scantily dressed Instagram pictures of herself. You know, the usual.

As a Southern California native, it's only right that 95% of Liz's Instagram photos are of her in a bikini or a shirt and no bottom. But why take my word for it--check Liz out for yourself on Twitter and Instagram. You won't be disappointed.

Liz Hernandez Wallpaper
Liz Hernandez Pictures
Liz Hernandez Photos

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