
Best of Billings
Best of Billings
Best of Billings
We're highlighting the best of the Magic City! Here are some of our favorite posts showing the best of Billings. Whether it's local restaurants, events, or places to hang out around town, we want to showcase the best of our hometown right here.
The Best Unofficial ‘Angry Birds’ Trailers [VIDEOS]
The Best Unofficial ‘Angry Birds’ Trailers [VIDEOS]
The Best Unofficial ‘Angry Birds’ Trailers [VIDEOS]
The ‘Angry Birds’ franchise has officially become an icon of gaming excellence and a fan favorite for anyone carrying an Android device or an iPhone. That means that, according to the rules of pop culture popularity, someone has to try to tarnish that legacy by turning it into a flimsy film. It’s a law. Look it up.
Billings’ Best Jingles – Our Top 5
Billings’ Best Jingles – Our Top 5
Billings’ Best Jingles – Our Top 5
Alright, we know some people might feel like changing the dial on their radio when they hear commercials.  BUT DON'T!   If you did that all the time, you'd miss out on the awesome jingles! We've put together a list of some of our favorite local business jingles that you'll hear around Billings.  A quick warning though; be ready to have these stuck in your head, these tunes are catchy!
NASA Ranks The Most (And Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films [VIDEO]
NASA Ranks The Most (And Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films [VIDEO]
NASA Ranks The Most (And Least) Realistic Sci-Fi Films [VIDEO]
A helmeted robot lands a flying saucer in a park in Washington, D.C. Dinosaurs freely roam a small isle off of Costa Rica. The Mayan calendar accurately predicts the fiery end of the world. Are the plots of sci-fi movies really that far-fetched? Of course they are. But NASA, whose space engineers are apparently also sci-fi movie buffs, has compiled a list of the most — and least — realistic scienc