
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
Hey, did you hear the good news? We managed to avoid soaring headlong off the fiscal cliff yesterday. Granted, the House pulled the plug on a bill providing emergency aid to people whose lives were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy to do it. But they did it. Hooray!(?)
Nils Lofgren of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Speaks Out Against Republican Candidates
Nils Lofgren of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Speaks Out Against Republican Candidates
Nils Lofgren of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Speaks Out Against Republican Candidates
While Bruce Springsteen’s leftist political beliefs has long been reflected in his music, including his new release, ‘Wrecking Ball,’ the views of his bandmates are less well-known. However, in a recent interview, guitarist Nils Lofgren railed against what he considers to be a lack of seriousness on the part of the Republican presidential candidates towards the main issues facing America today. R