Why isn't Aaron on the radio? I've heard that from a few folks who either listen to our show, or read our content online through our sister radio station websites, so I figured I better give you an update.

For those who didn't know, I joined the military shortly after the 9-11 terror attacks...so it is crazy to realize that I have now been in the military for more than 20 years. After a few tours overseas, I guess I turned into the old guy real quick.

That being said, for the past three weeks or so I have been out attending my annual military training, something that is typical for a National Guard or Army Reserve soldier.

I'm very excited to say that I will see you guys back on the radio Monday morning. You'll also start seeing more of my content posted online and on social media. What did I miss while I was out? Shoot me a note aaron(at)montanatalks.com

I listened in on some of the podcasts while our guest hosts were covering down, and we had some great guest hosts filling in while I was out. David Knobel and George Blackard did an incredible job with the heavy lifting while I was out- so big thanks to them for covering down. And Jake Eaton and Scott Aspenleider showed up for a great show as well.

I don't know if some of you veterans got this way too, but it seems like the older I get the harder it is to be gone from family, and from our radio family. Three weeks certainly feels like, and to a certain extent is, a long time to be gone. I also continue to be humbled by the incredible folks I get the opportunity to meet whenever I am gone for training.

But I can't help but think of the 800 or so Montana National Guard troops who are currently deployed and away from their jobs and their families for likely a year. They're missing proms, graduations, spring baseball games, fishing, camping- you name it. I especially want to give out a shout out to my friends in the 163rd over in the Middle East.

I saw one friend was lucky enough to be able to watch his son's baseball game via video messaging. Keep those deployed soldiers and their families in your thoughts, and get creative with what you can do to show support for those deployed families. They'll say they're doing fine and that they don't need anything- do something anyway.

See you all Monday.


LOOK: 100 years of American military history


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