‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ Featurette: Star Says Making the Movie is Better Than Sex
Often, when it comes to promoting a movie, actors are often as likely to fall back on hyperbole as a fanboy seeing the latest comic book movie. Still, it took us by surprise when 'A Good Day to Die Hard' co-star Yuliya Snigir describes making the movie as "better than sex" in the film's latest promotional featurette.
That's a little stronger than "this is the best sequel yet" or "the action is amazing" or whatever other sort of light hyperbole gets bandied about when actors are asked to sit down to talk about their latest project. Perhaps it was true for Snigir. To quote 'Moonrise Kingdom,' who's to say?
We do know this, 'A Good Day to Die Hard' is hitting theaters this Valentine's Day, runs 97 minutes, is rated R, and is the fourth sequel in the franchise. It takes John McClane (Bruce Willis) to Russia to fight bad guys with his son (Jai Courtney), and it's likely they blow some stuff up. This new featurette features some new footage, and plays up the fact that the cast and crew went to Chernobyl to film some sequences. We're hoping this is a good sequel, or at least better than the last one. Here's that featurette: