One of Montana's greatest resources is right here in our own backyard! ZooMontana is a great place to take the family. Visiting with animals that we would not normally see is an valuable thing especially when it comes to the education of our children. Now, it our time to do what we can to give back.

 A Wild Affair is an awesome fundraiser event that not only has very neat interactions with ZooMontana's residents but is also a dinner event.

It all takes place this Friday, April 27th.

There is a social hour where you'll be able to stroll through the Zoo and have special animal encounters and sample appetizers. After that, it's dinner and a live auction!

This annual event has sparked the beginning of many Zoo projects like the plaza playground. This year the project will be a portable x-ray machine to help with future care of the animals.

This is a great event to support and by doing so, you'll have a great time and help a wonderful place right here in Billings.

Call 406-652-8100 for more information.

Thank you Billings365 for information regarding this article.

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