Get your First Fix @ 6 with The Buster Sparks Band! [VIDEO]
Get you first Fix @6 this Friday night at a new venue this year, the Granary! Live music this week from the Buster Sparks Band!
Buster Sparks are a new group of seasoned veterans who know how to bring new life to the show and the music. Buster Sparks is a high energy rock and roll band consisting of Steve Lubruska, Rich Cloud, Rick Folkerts and Lee Adams. They play a wide range of music from AC/DC to Journey, Billy Idol, Commodores and Eric Clapton!.
Fix @ 6 moves to Hudson's on Grand Ave next Friday night with live music from Jared Stewart! By the way, still haven't heard if last week's Fix @ 6 at the Grandstand that was cancelled due to the weather has been rescheduled yet but we'll keep you posted!