Let’s Go Chasing Montana Waterfalls
Summer is right around the corner, even if it doesn't feel that way just yet. Summer brings so many of my favorite things like softball, camping, and hiking. Actually, softball already started, but the rain and wind haven't made it terribly pleasurable.
When the weather is pleasant enough, I definitely want to knock out a couple of the five most popular hikes in Montana, according to a site called Only In Your State. I've only been to one of the five, how many have you done?
The fifth most popular waterfall hike is the one I have actually completed. It is Woodbine Falls, just outside of Nye, Montana. There was terrible flooding in the area a couple of years ago, which wiped out my favorite trail in the area, Sioux Charley. I have heard that the trail to Woodbine survived the flooding, for which I am thankful.
The hike to Woodbine is about 3/4 of a mile, pretty easy, and beautiful. The falls are quite tall, dropping about 300 feet, and easily viewed from across a gorge.
Next on the list is Sperry Glacier Falls in Glacier National Park. the hike to these falls is more advanced and requires scrambling at times. These falls at least 900 feet in a ribbon-like stream.
If you are not in the mood for a lengthy hike, the next falls on the list can be viewed from your car. They are Silver Staircase Falls in Hyalite Canyon near Bozeman. These falls are a bit shorter than the others on our list, but the water splashing down what looks like a set of stairs is very cool.
In the second spot, we have Morning Eagle Falls in Glacier National Park. These falls are at the end of a difficult 10-mile hike. This is not for beginners.
Last, but not least, we have Feather Plume Falls, also in Glacier National Park. The height of the falls are about 1,500 feet, towering above a gorgeous lake below. These falls are near the previously mentioned Morning Eagle Falls, and the 10-mile hike to them is not for the faint of heart.
Your best bet, if you want to see some of the most spectacular waterfalls in Montana, is to go to Glacier National Park and hike around for a few days.
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Gallery Credit: mwolfe