In Depth Discussion on Human Trafficking in Billings Coming Up Soon
Human Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which someone is forced to do things they don’t want to do.
It mainly focuses on forced sexual acts like prostitution, but not always. This crime happens across America.
To help the Billings community understand more about this pressing issue, Billings Public Library is hosting a series of events called the Social Awareness Series.
This series will host presentations, activities, and discussions that focus on social and cultural influences in our Billings Community. The first discussion on the docket of these discussions is about human trafficking happening right here in Billings.
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On March 27th the presentation at the Billings Public Library will host the District of Montana U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI to talk about human trafficking.
They will educate the public about what human trafficking is and the resources they use to combat this major issue in Montana. They will also be focusing on the resources used to support the survivors of human trafficking with time for questions at the end of the discussion.
Human Trafficking resources for you right now:
There is a hotline for human trafficking that’s available 24/7 and is confidential. People can call 1-888-373-7888 or they can text 233733.
I visited humantraffickinghotline.org and it reads,
“50,123 signals were received by the Hotline in 2021. Includes calls, texts, and online chats and tip.”
On the human trafficking statistics website, it also reads:
“In 2021, Montana received 133 signals and 73 of the signals received were from victims or survivors of human trafficking.”
For more information on the Human Trafficking presentation and discussion, please call Billings Public Library at 406-657-8258.
Contact person: Victoria Cassou, Media Librarian 406-237-6271.