Last month, a fellow Iraq war veteran told me how he was denied care at a VA (Veterans Affairs) healthcare clinic in Billings, Montana. Not only is he a combat military veteran who served in Ramadi, Iraq- he continues to serve as a firefighter here in Montana.

I asked him if I could share his story with our Congressional Delegation, but then I figured- no, we need to share this story with everybody. It is complete garbage, in my opinion, that our veterans are still being forced to wear these masks inside of our VA healthcare facilities.

I shared the story on our website, and I shared the story on our radio show. Thankfully, the office of Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale (R-MT02) was listening, and Congressman Rosendale himself is taking action.

Last week, Rep. Rosendale sent a letter to the head of the Montana VA healthcare system for still enforcing this absurd mask mandate, and for denying care to Montana veterans.

He also called out the VA leadership during a recent committee hearing in the US House of Representatives:

Rep. Rosendale: I'm glad to see literally everyone here in the room today with no facial coverings. We can actually see what you look like. I wrote the VA a letter last week regarding a veteran who contacted my office in regards to being denied service at a Montana VA clinic for refusing to wear a mask. It's outrageous to deny anyone, particularly a veteran, medical care over a personal decision. The Biden Administration announced that the public health and national emergencies would terminate on May the 11th 2023. While the date is very arbitrary, even the President recognizes he can no longer hold the public hostage with these executive powers. Do you support denying veterans care over their unwillingness to wear a mask?


Here's the video:


Click here to read the full OPEN LETTER from the veteran who was denied care.

In addition to the veterans who are being denied care for refusing to wear masks, how many now simply avoid the VA altogether?

NEVER FORGET: Images from 9/11 and the days after


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