Saco Pay-N-Save Brings Home the Bacon at State Meat Awards
I forget where I first spotted this story, must have been through one of my Malta friends on social media...but The Phillips County News had a great business profile on a legendary Hi Line meat shop: The Saco Pay-N-Save. The story talked about how business owner Robert Plouffe is not only making the bacon, he's bringing home the bacon too!
I don't know how I missed this, but apparently there was a State Meat Convention in Billings recently...and they have free samples...and somehow- I MISSED IT.
As The Phillips County News reports, The Saco Pay-N-Save won some big awards at the meat convention, and it wasn't the first time.
This year he received awards for his smoked turkey, boneless ham, bacon, and on BBQ jerky. He won plaques for first, second, third, and fourth place.
What kind of flavors do they offer?
Where else can you find apple cinnamon, onion, peach, spicy southwest chili, and lime chipotle-flavored bacon? Add some dark chocolate, bloody mary, coffee, garlic, or dill pickle-flavored bacon to your grocery list for your next shopping day.
We had Robert Plouffe on our statewide radio talk show on Monday (heard locally on KMMR Radio Malta) talking about his shop, and talking about the awards. I also mentioned how the governor is a big fan of his products. As it turns out, later that same day Governor Greg Gianforte announced that he would be visiting the Saco Pay-N-Save before holding a town hall in Malta on Tuesday.
If you missed our chat with Robert, it's in the last 15 minutes of the podcast below:
By the way, after our article was published we also received some photos from Governor Gianforte's office following his visit to Saco. Here you go.
LOOK: Food history from the year you were born