Night Ranger’s ‘Sister Christian’ To Be Featured On ‘Parks And Recreation’
The classic Night Ranger power ballad ‘Sister Christian’ has had an interesting life. The track was memorably featured in the films ‘Boogie Nights’ and 'Rock Of Ages' and it’s been slaughtered vocally by reality show contestants.
The band also gets its share of questions about the song -- drummer Kelly Keagy humorously recalled the time that a woman in Wisconsin asked them if ‘Sister Christian’ was “a song about nuns selling dope to school kids.”
We’ll have to admit that we never thought of that possible angle. Similarly, the members of Night Ranger probably never guessed that ‘Sister Christian’ might one day be performed by a tribute band called ‘Bobby Knight Ranger,’ featuring a trio of band members all dressed like the mercurial former basketball coach who was legendary for tangling with his players, the media and anybody else who walked into the eye of his storm at the wrong time.
Night Ranger bassist/vocalist Jack Blades told Ultimate Classic Rock that he’s a fan of the latest spotlight moment for ‘Sister Christian,’ which will happen during the season finale of the popular television show ‘Parks and Recreation’ on April 24. Members of indie stalwarts Yo La Tengo will be performing as ‘Bobby Knight Ranger.’
“Dude, I think it’s hilarious," Blades said. "That just shows that ‘Sister Christian’ has entered into the collective consciousness of America.”
Combining the imagery of a hothead coach with a classic song like ‘Sister Christian’ is a masterful move, he adds: “That’s some brilliant writing, as far as I’m concerned. Then to top it off, throwing in some frickin’ indie band that probably cringes at the thought of Night Ranger!”
Bands like Night Ranger are finding themselves worked into pop culture references on television with increasing frequency these days and that’s something that doesn’t come as a surprise to Blades.
“All of the cats that are 40 or 45, they grew up with ‘Sister Christian’ and they grew up with all of that stuff. And also, I’ve run into so many young bands that are blown away with that too," Blades said. "Gone is any sort of stigma like that ‘90s vibe or anything like that -- it’s just so far gone from people’s heads. Now, I get these young indie band guys going: ‘Dude, I frickin’ love your band -- your guitar player rips! You guys sing your ass off!’ and it’s like ‘Alright, okay -- I like it!’”
So have you ever crossed paths with Bob Knight? “No, we never have!” Blades said with a laugh.
Night Ranger will release a new album ‘High Road’ on June 10 and presumably they’d be happy to hold a spot for Knight on the guest list -- as long as he keeps his temper in check.
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