NorthWestern Energy Wants MORE money. Gas and Electric Hikes Requested
According to an application submitted with the Department of Public Service Regulation before the Public Service Commission of the State of Montana, NorthWestern Energy is requesting authority to increase their retail electric and natural gas utility service rates, and for approval of electric and natural gas service schedules, and rules and allocated cost of service and rate design. *phew*

English, Please
Let's bring it back down to Earth. What all that means is NorthWestern Energy needs permission to jack up your rates from the MT Public Service Commission. Super simply, they want more money... for the same product.
Get Involved!
Buried within all the legal jargon is the following:
The Commission invites any interested party affected by NorthWestern’s filing to intervene in this docket. A party seeking intervention must submit an electronic petition to the Commission's website at http://psc.mt.gov (“EDDI, Customer Portal & E-Filing” icon).All filings must be made in EDDI and hard copies are not required. A party seeking intervention must also mail a hard copy of the petition to MCC at the address stated above, and to DOCKET NO. 2022.07.078 2 NorthWestern’s attorney, Sarah Norcott, NorthWestern Energy, 208 N. Montana, Suite 205, Helena, MT 59601.
Again, *PHEW*.
Let's break that down
Simply, if you feel this request for MORE from NorthWestern Energy is something that will affect you (IE, an increase would cause issues with finances, etc), YOU need to let them know. Submit an electronic petition by clicking the button below.
Now, here's what that legal document won't line out. HOW to do it. I, however, will. :)
- Once you've clicked the button above, click "Continue as Guest" under the big red login button.
- On the Welcome Guest page, click the dropdown menu, and select Comment on a Proceeding.
- Fill out in full, and PRINT a copy, as you MUST mail it to the following addresses:
- Montana Consumer Counsel, 111 North Last Chance Gulch, Suite 1B, Helena, MT 59601
- Sarah Norcott, Northwestern Energy, 208 N. Montana, Suite 205, Helena, MT 59601
See? They don't make this easy, and they KNOW it isn't easy because they want to take more of YOUR hard-earned money. But, take the time out of the day to argue back at them.
How much do they want now?
The almighty power and gas overlords, according to their submitted documentation, which is attached at the button below (be prepared, it is another headache), NWE wants to raise residential electricity by 15.9% and gas by 2.3% this October, with ANOTHER hike expected next year.
What can I do?
It's simple. Follow my instructions above, in order to contact the Montana Consumer Counsel, and intervene in these rate hikes. Otherwise, without the people who are their customers letting them know a rate hike during the current economic situation is unacceptable, who else will?