Rain, Finally!
It was bound to happen. We finally got some rain last night. About 1/2 inch as the storm rolled through Billings in about an hour. About 1,600 people were without power and winds gusted to 55 miles per hour. I was lying bed enjoying the lighting storm out the window when my phone alerted me to a flash flood warning. Living here most of my life I told my wife, without hesitation, "6th Street Underpass". Sure enough that street and the underpass at North 13th were affected. I guess we had downed power lines as well. I thought of the window washers yesterday who spent Tuesday morning washing the west side of the Double Tree. Guess I'll be seeing them again Thursday. The most significant event out of the storm was the canopy I put up in my back yard was still there this morning. I thought for sure it had taken up residence in Miles City. If it could withstand that storm, maybe I won't put a wood roof over my deck. Using 5 shaky poles and some thin nylon material seems to be more budget friendly.
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