Today we mark the 16th anniversary of the attack of September 11th, 2001. A quick look at history shows that George W. Bush was President for 9 months, Judy Martz was our Governor, Chuck Tooley was Billings' Mayor. Lebron James was 16 and the movies were Monsters Inc. and Shrek. It's interesting to see what people remember and where they were. I took a quick run through the radio station today to find out the difference in ages of my co-workers on that day. Full disclosure that I am one of the older people that works here. On 09/11/01 I was on the radio in the morning here in Billings. That day impacted everyone, but to be in the media, on the air, was surreal. The ages of other co-workers included, 6,12, 15, 17, 22, 25...My memories will obviously different than theirs or yours. I was a father of 3, the co-worker who was 6 years old was in 2nd grade. In fact 2 of my kids were older than my co-worker. It reminds me of people who remember where they were when JFK was shot. (I was 2) Or to hear our older generation talk about Pearl Harbor. Even if you weren't born for those events you understand the gravity.