Roadside Stands Across Montana
How much do you love roadside stands? Traveling around Montana you may run across signs like the one above. Maybe the sign is for potatoes or maybe it's sweet corn or pumpkins, farm fresh eggs, Flathead cherries, honey or whatever.
I always try to stop at roadside stands. It doesn't get any fresher or more supportive of local businesses than buying it straight from the producer. It's the ultimate example of "farm to table". My brother is a potato farmer, and while the vast majority of his business is obviously on the wholesale level, his little potato stand right off the highway near Toston, MT averages around $150 a day, selling 10 lb bags of new potatoes. His unmanned "booth" is on the honor system and so far seems to work just fine. He makes enough cash with his "side hustle" to pay for a vacation every year.
Speaking of side hustles... the Hawk Side Hustle started today. No produce stand necessary and you can win up to $5,000, three times per day. Catch the code words at 9AM, 1PM and 5PM for your chance to win. And if you have a favorite roadside produce stands you like to visit, tell me about them in the "Comments."