Teenage Conversation
Being a dad of 5, and raising a couple of nephews, this is old hat to me but worth repeating. The lovely girl in the picture is my youngest. She is 14. I have come to realize that teenagers don't have much to say. As we were driving on Sunday, I tried to converse with her.
- Me: How is School
- Her: Fine
- Me: Are you liking Math
- Her: Yep
- Me: Are you excited for Christmas
- Her: Sure
Then comes the awkward silence......
- Me: Are you ok
- Her: Just not in a talking mood
- Me: Okay
Oh, the life of a teenager. Sleep all day, play all night. Payback is coming in about 20 years, when I'll be so old, I too, will be napping all day. And then there is the changing of my diapers.
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