The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has released an update on the U.S. 212 roadway project from Red Lodge to Roberts, and from Roberts to Boyd.

According to the press release, MDT "remains in a similar place" compared to last month regarding the Red Lodge to Roberts portion of the project, with right-of-way agreements still being worked on with neighbors.

Concern about the passing lane that's located near the Red Lodge KOA Journey was also discussed in the press release, with engineers "looking into adjusting where the passing lane ends" to keep motorists from "speeding up to pass turning vehicles in the passing lane transition area."

Results from a study by the Montana DOT also revealed that the "volume of turning vehicles was not enough" for more dedicated turn lanes to be added to the project.

The Roberts to Boyd portion of the U.S. 212 project expects to reach "the next major milestone" by this summer, according to the press release. That's when the project team will have the design plans "more detailed and considered 80 percent complete."

Motorists who are traveling on U.S. 212 from Roberts to Boyd can expect survey workers to be along the roadside during the upcoming months and ask that you reduce speeds and give extra space to the staff in the area.

Eight miles of U.S. 212 is being reconstructed and rehabbed from north of Cooney Road in Roberts to north of Boyd Cooney Damn Road in Boyd, Montana. Upon completion, the highway will be widened with 8-foot shoulders, passing lanes, and a redesign of the highway's slope will increase sight distance and improve snow drifting.

Ditches are also being redesigned to improve drainage and snow storage, and irrigation ditches will be relocated out of the new right-of-way, where feasible. New drainage and irrigation culverts will be installed, and bridge deck repairs will occur at the Rock Creek Bridge by Clear Creek Road. -Tamari Clark, Big Sky Public Relations on behalf of the Montana DOT.

For more information about the Roberts to Boyd project on U.S. 212, CLICK HERE.

To learn more about the Red Lodge to Robers portion of the project, CLICK HERE.

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