You Are Having Fruit For Lunch, Honey?
My wife told me yesterday she was having lunch with a friend at Well Pared. I said, "Cool, I know they have a location on the west end and in downtown." Not really thinking about it, I never paid attention to the sign. I thought she was going to have American Pear fruit, Asian pear fruit, European, Duchesse, Chinese white or my favorite the Pyrus pyrater. Of course being the health nut that I am, I also know that pears are hypoallergenic. Okay, I'll come clean. I like a good pear, but apparently, this store is more about healthy breakfast, lunch and much more.
I hope she has fun with her friend and when she comes home later, I hope she doesn't notice the pear juice in my beard. By the way, I don't know any of those different pears, and I think hypoallergenic has something to do with the fear of Friday the 13th!